Bankaya is the financial benefits app with which you can take the leap to a better life.
We trust you by offering you a pre-approved cell phone loan and another for appliances(1) without having to have a credit card.
Your money also makes the leap when you receive your money transfers from the United States. Discover all the options we have for you.
You also have a physical and digital debit card. Free forever, without fees for opening an account, minimum balance or annual fee.
We want your money to go further, that's why when you pay with your Bankaya card in Chedraui we give you up to 10% (2) bonus (3) in your MIChedraui wallet.
Do you want to receive or send money? You can make transfers anywhere and at any time you want from the app.
Save lines and commissions by making your airtime recharges from $10 in the app and paying for services such as Dish, izzi, Avon, Telmex, Naturgy and more.
What are you waiting for? Download the app and receive more benefits at hand.
(1) Subject to credit approval.
(2) 10% bonus on the 15th and end of the month. For remaining days, 5% bonus.
(3) Maximum bonus amount of $200.
Calle Constituciónntes 601 - 1080, Lomas Altas neighborhood, Miguel Hidalgo mayor's office, Mexico City, Mexico